Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A List Of Other Things That I Am Looking Forward To...

Besides the obvious stuff that surrounds getting married, I'm just really looking forward to a lot of positive, and fun changes that comes with moving, and having a wife, and being stable. Here's a list of some of those things I'm really anticipating:

- Not being a couch/air mattress surfer anymore: I've been blessed with amazing friends throughout this whole dating/engagement process who have been so gracious and generous to let me stay with them. There are great benefits to that, namely, they are not charging me rent so I can save for stuff, and since I just had a job change. But I can't wait to sleep on a real bed, in a bedroom with furniture, and a gorgeous wife beside me. That's a bit better than an air mattress, laundry baskets/suitcase on the floor, and a pillow to snuggle. :)

- Football season: Cowboys are making a solid run this year. Period. AND, since the Superbowl is in Dallas this year, we are all planing to tailgate as a family no matter who's playing, because honestly, why wouldn't you do that if you only lived 20 minutes away from the super bowl?

- Road trips, and camping trips: I am long overdue for a camping trip, and Erin and I are planing to go camping for a weekend once the weather cools off! I am thrilled about this. :) We are also planning to go to the balloon fiesta in New Mexico in October.

- Our first Thanksgiving and Christmas together: Yay, Erin won't be in China this year, so we'll be able to celebrate the Holidays together for the first time! We can decorate the tree together, and wake up on Christmas morning together, and see what Santa brought. And continue our tradition of monkey bread on Christmas morning. (We did that on fake Christmas morning last year).

- Having new things: I'm not a big materialistic guy. I've always been ok with hand-me-downs and used stuff, but it'll be nice to have good, new furniture, and have a "home". Erin's really good about wanting to make our place look nice, and feel homey. I am definitely looking forward to having a woman's touch in our place. My last place where I lived alone had 2 recliners, a small tv, a book shelf, small table, and nothing on the walls. Pathetic. :)

Those are the ones I can think of now! 45 more days. :)


Anonymous said...

yay! no more couch surfing! and what about having someone cook for you? oh, wait, you sorta have that now with sarah? joke.

CSlay said...

Hahaha, funny because I started typing that, and then I didn't want to put stuff that was "only" about us being married. BUT, I am totally stoked that you will be doing that! :)

LeLe said...

CAMPING, woot! Hey, we should camp together sometime. Like, halfway or something (even though that would probably be the most boring place on earth, in between here and Dallas). And you can thank me for the monkey bread tradition. Okay, you can thank whoever told ME about the monkey bread tradition.