Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Bloggin begins!!

Good day to you fair public!
So, I'm not much of a blogger. In fact, I had a myspace page for several years, and I could probably count the amount of blogs I posted on one hand. BUT, as I am insprired by many things, I am inspired by my wonderful girlfriend to start writing a blog. It'll be fun, and give me a way to vent. Which as we all know, I tend to like to vent, and don't like using myspace or facebook for that forum, simply because I can't really control who reads it. I'd like to be a little more selective with this blog. Sure, I'll offend at times, I'll crack jokes, and I'll vent about useless nonsense! But isn't that what a blog is all about?

I don't really have a "theme" for this blog as much as a smattering of random ideas. I will be pretty personal I imagine, but I'll mostly just vomit about the latest hapenings in my life, and in pop culture. Like, did you know that Patrick Swayze died yesterday?? Wow, now let's discuss!

So, at this point I would like to point out a preliminary agenda that is subject to change and feedback. Some examples of possible future blogs:

- William Wallace or Maximus Desimus Meridius: Who walks away from the fight?
- Is Kanye West a better actor that rapper? I think so, and I'll tell you why
- A well ballanced musical diet. It all starts with a healthy breakfast, aka: The Beatles.
- Today was the day I married the greatest girl in the whole wide world!
- Our Honeymoon; The PG-13 version!
- My first Child was born today!
- My second Child was born today!
- Today I got a vesectimy!
- Now that I'm 65, I think I'll finally take my family to see Disney World.
- Today is the day I die, so farewell people (this will be my last entry)

Obviously, I'm setting the bar pretty high! It might take a while to get all of these entries written, but with plenty of coffee, and LOTS of determination, I will accomplish this goal!! Of course, there will be other topics and blogs thrown in as well. Who knows, maybe I can actually get people to read a few of them! I do hope so. :)


Christopher Michael Slay (the future husband of Dr. Erin Slay, Phd)